C.S. Lewis first taught philosophy at Oxford University, where he had been trained and received a “first” (top grade) in classics and philosophy in 1922. He taught philosophy briefly and philosophical concepts contribute greatly to many of his writings.
- C.S. Lewis: Image and imagination. Edited by Walter Hooper. Cambridge University Press.
Part V. Medieval and Renaissance literature: 41) Leone Ebreo, The philosophy of love (Dialoghi d’Amore, trans. J. Friedeberg Seeley and Jean H. Barnes, and intro. Cecil Roth.
Baggett, David, Gary R. Habermas and Jerry L. Walls, eds. 2008. C.S. Lewis as Philosopher: Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.
In His forward Tom Morris notes that technically Lewis was a professor of literature but that he “brought a philosophical cast of mind to everything he did…in engagement with great literature, through writing memorable fiction himself, and in grappling with topics of real life through his immensely popular books and essays on matters of faith…and, as such had a tremendous impact on the world” (10). Two authors in particular show us why Lewis should be counted as a foremost philosopher.
In chapter1, Peter Kreeft outlines “ Lewis’s Philosophy of Truth, Goodness and Beauty” (23-36) by defining the three topics as ontologically founded—that is, in terms of “being.” Kreeft further finds seven things that Lewis explicates: logic (definition), metaphysics (objective reality), theology (divine source), epistemology (how we know), practical psychology, axiology (ordered relationship) and mystical eschatology (fulfillment in heaven).
Chapter 6, by Gary Habermas is on “C.S. Lewis and Emotional Doubt: Insights from the Philosophy of Psychology” (96-111) discusses the role of emotions and how they can assault our convictions and that feelings do not represent who we really are.
David Baggett (Ph.D., Wayne State University) is associate professor of philosophy at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Gary R. Habermas (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is Distinguished Research Professor and chair of the department of philosophy and theology at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Barkman, Adam. 2009. C.S. Lewis and Philosophy as a Way of Life: A Comprehensive Historical Examination of his Philosophical Thoughts. Zossima Press.
Contents: Introduction: C.S. Lewis and Philosophy? Part I. Philosophical Definition, Journey and Identity: 1) Philosophy as a Way of Life: Definition; 2) Philosophy as a Way of Life II: Rational Discourse and Training; 3) Philosophy as a Way of Life III: Heavenly Desire; 4) Philosophy as a Way of Life EV: Myth; 5) Philosophy as a Way of Live V: Culture. Part II. The Branches of Philosophy. 6) Metaphysics; 7) Psychology, Logic and Epistemology; 8) Ethics; 9) Socio-Political Philosophy; 10) Aesthetics. Conclusion. Appendix. Classical and Medieval Sources Cited. Bibliography. General Index.
“This brings me to the purpose of this book. By and large it seems as though friends and critics alike have been content with reducing any discussion of Lewis and philosophy, if they mention it at all, to his apologetics….Of course there have been a few attempts at drawing attention to Lewis and philosophy…Nevertheless, while all of these books and essays touch on various aspects of Lewis’s philosophical thought , none of them have done justice to Lewis’s insistence that ‘a complete philosophy must get to all the facts…’” (2, 4).
Alan Barkman (Ph.D., Free University of Amsterdam) is assistant professor of Philosophy at Yonsei University. He has published dozens of articles on such topics as C.S. Lewis and philosophy, the convergence of eastern and western philosophies, and philosophy and popular culture.
Bassham, G., and J. Walls, eds. 2005. The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy: The Lion, the Witch, and the Worldview. Chicago and LaSalle, IL: Open Court.
Narnia and the Enchantment of Philosophy by Jerry L. Walls.
Gregory Bassam is chair of the philosophy department at King’s College, Pennsylvania. Jerry L. Walls is professor of philosophy of religion at Asbury Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky.
Brazier, P.H. 2012. The Work of Christ Revealed. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publishers. Book Two August 15, 2012 and eBook September 26, 2012
- S. Lewis—The Work of Christ Revealed focuses on three doctrines or aspects of Lewis’s theology and philosophy: his doctrine of Scripture, his famous mad, bad, or God argument, and his doctrine of christological prefigurement. In each area we see Lewis innovating within the tradition. He accorded a high revelatory status to Scripture, but acknowledged its inconsistencies and shrank away from a theology of inerrancy. He took a two-thousand-year-old theological tradition of aut Deus aut malus homo (either God or a bad man) and developed it in his own way. Most innovative of all was his doctrine of christological prefi Burson, Scott R. and Jerry L. Walls. 1998. C.S. Lewis & Francis Schaeffer: Lessons for a New Century from the Most Influential Apologists of our Time. InterVarsity Press.
Contents: Acknowledgments. When Worlds Collide: Paleo-orthodoxy in a Postmodern Age. 1) The Biographical Foundation: The Path in Apologetic Prominence; 2) The Nature of Salvation: Envisioning the Highway to Heaven; 3) God’s Sovereignty and Human Significance: Predestination, Divine Election and the Power to Choose Freely; 4) Evaluating the Mystery Maneuver: The Necessity of “True” Truth; 5) Biblical Authority and Divine Inspiration: The Great Evangelical Divide; 6) Strategic Apologetics: Delivering the Faith; 7) Offensive Apologetics: Advancing the Faith; 8) Defensive Apologetics: Guarding the Faith; 9) Back to Libertarian Freedom and Dignity: Evaluating the Apologetic Arguments; 10) 21 Lessons for the 21st Century: Holism, Holiness and the Hope of Heaven. Notes. Index.
“This incisive book stands as both an excellent introduction to the work of these two important figures and a fresh proposal for apologetics at the dawn of a new century.” (From the back cover)
Scott R. Burson is directory of communications at Asbury Theological Seminar. Jerry L. Walls is profess of philosophy of religion at Asbury Theological Seminary.
Collins, Owen, Compiler. 2000. To quote C.S. Lewis. London: Fount. (an imprint of HarperCollinsReligious)
“This collection brings together over two hundred of quotations from more than forty of Lewis’s various books, together with extracts from some of his letters and spoken words” (xi).
“C.S. Lewis has long provided an abundant source of succinct and original quotations for speakers, teachers, and preachers. Lewis was a prolific writer and commented on many subjects of theology, literature, philosophy and the arts. In this book a wealth of short quotations has been gathered together and arranged helpfully in subject matter from A-Z, enabling the reader to find a suitable quotation for every occasion. The wisdom and wit of C.S. Lewis is accessible here as never before.” (From Amazon)
Owen Collins is the editor of several books including Speeches That Changed the World and The Oral History of Christianity.
Cunningham, Richard B. 1967. C.S. Lewis Defender of the faith. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press.
Contents: I. The Apologist: 1) The nature and purpose of apologetics; 2) C.S. Lewis: The man and the author. II. The Apologetic Scene: 3) The world as it ought to be; 4) Our radical new era; 5) The abolition of man; 6) The major abolitionist: modern science; 7) The present stage of abolition: 8) Mass conformity; 9) The Post-Christian era; 10) An appraisal of Lewis’ world view. III. The Foundation of Apologetics: 11) Epistemology: The problem of knowledge; 12) Hermeneutics: The science of Biblical interpretation; 13) Theology: The formulation of faith; Eschatology; 14) Communication. IV. The Apologetic Method: 15) The literary forms of apologetics; 16) Devices and techniques of debate; 17) An evaluation. Notes. Bibliography.
“The farther I have gone, the more convinced I have become that contemporary preachers, theologians, and apologists, as well as laymen, can learn at many points from Lewis about how to defend the Christian faith, including such sticky areas as epistemology and hermeneutics….Though not always persuaded by his logic, I am almost always moved by his spirit” (12).
“Richard B. Cunningham is a graduate of Baylor University and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Th.D.)…and is now Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy of Religion at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Mill Valley, California.” (From the inside cover)
Goetz, Stewart. 2015. A philosophical walking tour with C.S. Lewis: Why it did not include Rome. NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
Contents: Acknowledgments. Introduction. Part one: 1) Hedonistic happiness; Common sense and happiness; The nature of happiness, good and evil; Euthyphro and action; Hedonism; The relation between happiness and morality; Eudaemonism; Possible objections to Lewis’s understanding of happiness; Joy or Sehnsucht; Can we really understand the nature of perfect happiness? 2) Supernatural persons; The body and happiness; Lewis’s view of the body; Mental to mental causation; Mental to physical causation; The soul is the person; Once more on common sense; The pleasure of the soul. Part Two: 3) Privation and goodness; Augustine, Aquinas, and Lewis; Augustine’s understanding of evil; Aquinas’s understanding of evil; Is pain evil? Aquinas’s account of pleasure, happiness, and goodness; Eudaemonism and “good”; Lewis and Aquinas. 4) Body and soul; Cartesian dualism; Aquinas’s view of the soul; Aquinas’s view of the body; what would Lewis have thought? The resurrection body’s relationship to pleasure and goodness; Lewis, Aquinas and the soul; A section not strictly necessary. Part Three: 5) A relational journey; Why not Roman Catholicism? Conversion and mere Christianity; Firmly an ?Anglican; Lack of exposure; Homegrown prejudices; Vocational aspirations; Ignorance of history; Difficulties based in reason; Thomas Aquinas and Roman Catholicism; Common sense, mere Christianity, and Roman Catholicism; Conclusion. Bibliography. Author index.
Stewart Goetz is professor of philosophy and religion at Ursinus college.
Hein, David and Edward Henderson, eds. 2011. C. S. Lewis and Friends: Faith and the Power of Imagination. London: SPCK.
Contents: List of illustrations; List of contributors; Foreword by David Brown. Introduction. 1) Faith reason and imagination by David Hein and Edward Henderson; 2) C.S. Lewis: Reason, imagination and knowledge by Peter J. Schakel; 3) Austin Farrer: The sacramental imagination by Edward Henderson; 4) Dorothy L. Sayers: War and redemption by Ann Loades; 5) Charles Williams: Words, images and (the) Incarnation by Charles Hefling; 6) Rose Macaulay: A voice from the edge by David Hein’ 7) J.R.R. Tolkien: His sorrowful vision of joy by Ralph C. Wood. Bibliography. Index.
David Hein is Professor of Religion and Philosophy at Hood College, Frederick, Maryland. Edward Henderson is Professor of Philosophy and the Jaak Seynaeve Professor of Christian Studies at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
Kreeft, Peter. 1982. Between heaven & hell: A dialog Somewhere beyond death with John F. Kennedy, C.S. Lewis & Aldous Huxley. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Contents: Prologue. The dialog: Time: November 22, 1963; Place: Somewhere beyond death; Characters: C.S. Lewis—Theist; John F. Kennedy—Humanist; Aldous Huxley—Pantheist. Epilogue.
“These three men also represented the three most influential versions of Christianity in our present culture: traditional, mainline or orthodox Christianity (what Lewis called “mere Christianity”), modernist or humanistic Christianity (Kennedy), and Orientalized or mystical Christianity (Huxley)” (7).
“Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Boston College and at the King’s College (Empire State Building), in New York City. He was Baptized in the Spirit in 1972; is in wide demand as a speaker at conferences, and is the author of over 75 books…” (From www.peterkreeft.com/about.htm)
Macdonald, Michael H. and Andrew A. Tadie. eds. 1989. G. K. Chesterton and C. S. Lewis: The riddle of joy. With a Foreword by Janet Blumberg Knedlik. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co.
Contents: Two Valedictory Poems by Rudolph Schimmer; Foreword by Janet Blumberg Knedlik; I. Riddling Remembrances from those who knew them: 1) Some Personal Angles on Chesterton and Lewis by Christopher Derrick (3-19); 2) Chesterton, the Wards, the Sheeds, and the Catholic Revival by Richard L. Purtill (20-32); 3) C.S. Lewis and C.S. Lewises by Walter Hooper (33-52); 4) The Legendary Chesterton by Ian Boyd, C.S.B. (53-68); 5) The Prayer Life of C.S. Lewis by James M. Houston (69-86). II. Spelling The Riddle: Literary Assessments: 6) Looking Backward: C.S. Lewis’s Literary Achievement at Forty Years’ Perspective by Thomas T. Howard (89-99); 7) G.K. Chesterton and Max Beerbohm by William Blissett (100-124); 8) The Centrality of Perelandra to Lewis’s Theology by Evan K. Gibson (125-138). III. Living the Riddle: Their Social Thought: 9) G.K. Chesterton, the Disreputable Victorian by Alzina Stone Dale (141-159); 11) G.K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis: The Men and Their Times by John David Burton (160-172); 12) The Chesterbelloc and Modern Sociopolitical Criticism by Jay P. Corrin (173-191). IV. Proclaiming the riddle: Their Apologetics: 13) Chesterton in Debate with Blatchford: The Development of a Controversialist by David J. Dooley (195-214); 14) C.S. Lewis: Some Keys to his Effectiveness by Lyle W. Dorsett (215-225); 15) The Sweet Grace of Reason: The Apologetics of G.K. Chesterton by Kent R. Hill (226-248). V. Pursuing the Riddle of Joy: 16) C.S. Lewis’s Argument from Desire by Peter J. Kreeft (249-272); 17) Derrida Meets Father Brown: Chestertonian “Deconstruction” and that Harlequin “Joy” by Janet Blumberg Knedlik (273-289); 18) The Psychology of Conversion in Chesterton’s and Lewis’s Autobiographies by David Leigh, S.J. (290-304).
Michael H. Macdonald is professor of European studies and philosophy at Seattle Pacific University. Andrew A. Tadie teaches English at Seattle University.
MacSwain, Robert and Michael Ward, eds. 2010. The Cambridge companion to C.S. Lewis. Cambridge University Press.
Part II: Thinker: 6) On scripture by Kevin J. Vanhoozer; 7) On theology by Paul S. Fiddes; 58 On naturalism by Charles Taliaferro; 9) On moral knowledge by Gilbert Meilander; 10) On discernment by Joseph P. Cassidy; 11) On love by Caroline J. Simon; 12) On gender by Ann Loades; 13) On power by Judith Wolfe; 14) On violence by Stanley Hauerwas; 15) On suffering by Michael Ward.
“It is not at all obvious that this volume should appear in the Cambridge companions to Religion series, as opposed to the Cambridge Companion to Literature….However it is part of Lewis’s anomalous character to confound this expectation as well, and for two reasons. First, some of this professional writings do trespass into the territory of academic theology and philosophy, and his works of fiction and poetry are likewise often occupied with such matters….But second, and more positively, it may also be the case that Lewis should rightly be considered in this particular series because he has, in fact, expanded the genre of theology to include the imaginative works for which his is so famous” (7, 8).
Robert MacSwain is Assistant Professor of Theology and Christian Ethics at the School of Theology of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. Michael Ward is Chaplain of St Peter’s College in the University of Oxford.
Martindale, Wayne. 2005. Beyond the Shadowlands: C.S. Lewis on heaven & hell. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.
. Part II. Remythologizing Hell: The Fiction: 9) The Philosophy of Hell: The Screwtape Letters; 10) Evil in Paradise: Perelandra; 11) The Sociology of Hell: That Hideous Strength; 12) Hell is a Choice: The Great Divorce; 13) Descent into Hell: The Chronicles of Narnia. PURGATORY. 14) Is Purgatory Plan B? EPILOGUE. 15) Last Things: An Epilogue on Who Goes to Heaven.
*Myers, Doris T. 2004. Bareface: A guide to C.S. Lewis’s last novel. Columbia, MO: U. of Missouri Press.
“Previous studies have often treated the novel as mere myth, ignoring Lewis’s effort to present the story of Cupid and Psyche as something that could have happened. Myers emphasizes the historical background, the grounding of the characterizations in modern psychology, and the thoroughly realistic narrative presentation. She identifies key books in ancient and medieval literature, history, and philosophy that influenced Lewis’s thinking as well as pointing out a previously unnoticed affinity with William James. From this context, a clearer understanding of Till We Have Faces can emerge. Approached in this way, the work can be seen as a realistic twentieth-century novel using modernist techniques such as the unreliable narrator and the manipulation of time. The major characters fit neatly into William James’s typology of religious experience, and Orual, the narrator-heroine, also develops the kind of personal maturity described by Carl Jung. At the same time, both setting and plot provide insights into the ancient world and pre-Christian modes of thought. Organized to facilitate browsing according to the reader’s personal interests and needs, this study helps readers explore this complex and subtle novel in their own way. Containing fresh insights that even the most experienced Lewis scholar will appreciate, Bareface is an accomplishment worthy of Lewis’s lifelong contemplation.” (From Amazon)
Overcamp, Jennifer. 2017. Truth, fantasy, and paradox: The fairy tales of George MacDonald, G.K. Chesterton, and C.S. Lewis. Lexington, Kentucky.
Contents: 1) Christians and fiction: The great debate; 2) George MacDonald and the divine imagination; 3) G.K. Chesterton’s fairy tale philosophy in a gift universe; 4) C.S. Lewis: The Oxford Don and the fairy tale; 5) Realms where reason cannot go. Bibliography. Appendix A: The spiritual barometer.
Purtill, Richard L. 2004 [1981]. C.S. Lewis’s case for the Christian faith. San Francisco: Harper&Row.
Contents: Preface. 1) Some Reasons for Lewis’ Success; 2) Reasons for Belief in God; 3) What Must God Be Like? 4) Who is Christ? 5) Miracles and History; 6) Faith and Reason; 7) Rivals of Christianity; 8) Christian Living; 9) The Problems of Prayer; 10) Death and Beyond. Conclusion. For Further Reading. Acknowledgments. Index.
“This book aims to present, in a clear and understandable form, the main lines of C.S. Lewis; defense of and arguments for Christian belief and practice” (9). “Since I agree with Lewis on most of the matters that this book deals with, some readers may find me too partial to be a good expositor of his views, preferring someone who would find more failures and faults. I must, somewhat ironically, apologize for disappointing them. I report what I find, and I find both Lewis and his case for the Christian faith worthy of respect” (10).
The author is emeritus professor of Philosophy at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington.
Purtill, Richard. 2nd ed. 2006. Lord of the Elves and Eldiles. Fantasy and Philosophy in C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. C.S. Lewis’ Case for the Christian Faith. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. [First edition 1974].
Contents: Introduction. Literature and Language. 1) Why fantasy? 2) Fantasy and literature; 3) Language, mind, and character. Good, Evil and God: 4) Good and evil in Lewis: 5) Good and evil in Tolkien; e6) Religion in Tolkien; 7) Religion in Lewis. Conclusions: 8) The baptism of the imagination; 9) The Christian intellect; 10) The continuing battle. Appendices: A) Forerunners and fiends; B) That Hideous Strength: A double story; C) Did C.S. Lewis lose his faith? D) A basic Lewis-Tolkien bibliography. Acknowledgments. Index.
“If you have ever been perplexed as to why Tolkien and Lewis wrote the way they did, or perhaps were interested to find out how they came to write their masterpieces, this book is for you. From philosophical differences to various writing styles, this book covers all the bases regarding these two authors. As is the case with most philosophy books, it can take a lot of time to absorb all that is contained in the book, so give yourself lots of time. It’s well worth reading every single word and not skipping anything. But this book answers several questions I had regarding Tolkien/Lewis, and it answers them very well. Pick up this book!” (From Amazon)
Reed, Gerard. 2001. C.S. Lewis explores vice and virtue. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press.
Contents: Preface. Introduction. Part One. The Seven Deadly Sins: 1) Pride, “The Complete Anti-God State of Mind”; 2) Envy, “The Most Odious of Vices”; 3) Anger, “The Anesthetic of the Mind”; 4) Lust, “perversions of the Sex Instinct Are Numerous; 5) Gluttony, “Her Belly Dominates Her Whole Life”; 6) Sloth, “This Made It Hard to Think; 7) Avarice, “This Itch to Have Things”. Part Two. The Seven Christian Virtues: 8) Prudence, “No ‘Intellectual Slackers’ Allowed”; 9) Justice, “The Old Name for Fairness”; 10) Courage, “The Form of Every Virtue”; 11) Temperance, “Going the Right Length”; 12) Faith, “The Power to Go on Believing”; 13) Hope, “Something That Cannot Be Had in This World”; 14) Love, “An Affair of the Will”. Notes.
“In dealing with Lewis, I’ve tried to correctly understand and represent his views, fully aware that he never wrote a full-fledged ethical treatise. Nor did he ever put together the seven deadly sins and seven virtues, as did his medieval masters. So I have often drawn upon thinkers Lewis used, such as Aristotle and Aquinas, as well as added both personal anecdotes and other materials that seem relevant” (11).
Gerard Reed, Ph.D., is professor of philosophy and religion at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego.
Stellars, J.T. 2011. Reasoning beyond reason: Imagination as a theological source in the work of C.S. Lewis. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications.
Contents: Acknowledgments. Introduction. 1) The nature and limits of naturalistic reason; 2) The function of the imagination; 3) The imaginative drive; 4) Desire and longing in Lewis, Plato and Augustine; 5) The ethics of fairyland; 6) Poetic labors; 7) The theological imagination. Bibliography. Subject index. Name index.
J.T. Sellars is an instructor of philosophy and humanities in northern California and southern Oregon.
Sellars attempts to: 1) place Lewis’s work in a premodern era; 2) enlist others to show that Lewis views the imagination “as purely phenomenologically funded” (p. 5): 3) show how Lewis’s imaginative self developed; 4) examine the role of desire in Lewis’s work; 5) demonstrate that Lewis rejected a purely rationalistic approach; 6) explore his debt to MacDonald; and 7) connect his reasoning and narrative framework to theology.
Tadie, Andrew A. and Michael H. Macdonald, eds. 1995. Permanent things: Toward the recovery of a more human scale at the end of the twentieth century. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.
Dying and Rising: Toward the Renewal of Permanent Things: 13) Darkness at Noon: The Eclipse of Permanent Things by Peter Kreeft (195-221); 14) In Defense of Permanent Truth and Value by John A. Sims (222-239); 15) “There Are No Trees’…Only This Elm”: C.S. Lewis on the Scientific Method by Evan K. Gibson (240-252); 16) Some Ideas on a Christian Core Curriculum from the Writings of G.K. Chesterton, T.S. Eliot, and Dorothy L. Sayers by Alzina Stone Dale (253-269); 17) C.S. Lewis and the Conversion of the West by William J. Abraham (270-282); 18) The Recovery of Permanent Things: Eliot circa 1930 by Marion Montgomery (283-305). Contributors (306-309).
“The essays in this volume were among those presented at a conference hosted in June of 1990 by Seattle University and Seattle Pacific University. This was the second of three such conferences hosted jointly by these two universities, one Catholic and Jesuit, the other Protestant and Free Methodist” (x).
“This inspirational volume gathers eighteen essays on the work of C.S. Lewis, T.S. Eliot, G.K. Chesterton, Dorothy Sayers, and Evelyn Waugh—five of this century’s most imaginative writers, each of whom gave voice to the permanence of Christian truth amid the secularist spirit of the age. The contributors to this volume are well known scholars who themselves are concerned for the recovery of Permanent Things.” (From the back cover)
Andrew A. Tadie is professor of English and director of the Faith and Great Ideas program at Seattle University. Michael H. MacDonald is professor of European studies and philosophy and director of the C.S. Lewis Institute at Seattle Pacific University.
Travers, Michael, ed. 2008. C.S. Lewis: Views from Wake Forest. Collected essays on C.S. Lewis. Wayne, PA: Zossima Press.
Part 1. CSL as Social Critic—Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Ethics. 1) Culture & Public Philosophy: Another C.S. Lewis by James Como; 2) Hangman’s Duty: C.S. Lewis on Christian Citizenship in Wartime by Justin Barnard; 3) Can Science be Saved? C.S. Lewis on Science, Magic & Ethics; 4) “The Colour of Things in Dark Places”: C.S. Lewis & the “New Science” of Psychology.
“The essays in this volume have been selected from those delivered at the “C.S. Lewis: The Man and His Works, a 21st Century Legacy” conference sponsored by the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina on October 26th and 27th, 2007. The conference brought together a varied group of C.S. Lewis scholars who spoke from multiple points of view. Speakers addressed Lewis from the stand point of theology, philosophy, psychology, and literature—often in overlapping and mutually-beneficial ways;” (1).
“Michael Travers was born and raised in Niagara Falls, Ontario. He holds the B.A. and M.A. from McMaster University, the Diploma in Education Post-Baccalaureate from the University of Western Ontario, and the Ph.D. from Michigan State University. For most of his career he has taught in Christian colleges, where he seeks to integrate the Christian faith with learning in his classrooms and writings. Dr. Travers has taught English literature at Cornerstone University (MI), Liberty University (VA), Mississippi College, and The College at Southeastern. In addition, he served as Vice President for Academic Affairs at Louisiana College. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society.” (From apps.sebts.edu/FacultyInfo/FacultyPage).
Van Leeuwen, Mary Stewart. 2010. A sword between the sexes? C.S. Lewis and the gender debates. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press.
Contents: Introduction. 1) Surprised by Jack: An Ambivalent Journey; 2) A More fundamental Reality than Sex? C.S. Lewis’s Views on Gender; 3) “Mere” Christianity? Sources and Results of Lewis’s Views on Gender; 4) “Not the Only Fundamental Difference”: The Edwardian World of C.S. Lewis and Dorothy L. Sayers; 5) A better Man than His Theories: C.S. Lewis as a Mentor and Colleague to Women’ 6) “You Can Only Get to Know Them”: C.S. Lewis and the Social Sciences; 7) Men Are from Earth, Women Are from Earth: The Psychology of Gender Since C.S. Lewis; 8) “Nature Speaks Chiefly in Answer to Our Questions”: C.S. Lewis and Some Neglected Issues in the Psychology of Gender; (P) “True to the Kind of Things we Are”: C.S. Lewis and Family Life; 10) “Suppressed by Jack’: The Two Sides of C.S. Lewis. Index.
“The purpose of this book is to trace the route by which Lewis moved slowly from the former to the latter position—from an often-polemical defense of gender essentialism and gender hierarchy to a much more gender-egalitarian view. In the process, I have neither lionized nor demonized him….” (10)
“Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen (Ph.D., Northwestern University) is professor of psychology and philosophy at Eastern University, where she is also resident scholar at the Center for Christian Women in Leadership” (From the back cover)
Wielenberg, Erik J. 2008. God and the reach of reason: C.S. Lewis, David Hume, and Bertrand Russell. Cambridge University Press.
Contents: Acknowledgments. Introduction. 1) The Love of God and the Suffering of Humanity: 1.1 The Problem; 1.2 Hume’s Presentation of the Problem; 1.3 Lewis’s Attempt to Solve the Problem; 1.4 The Case of Ivan Ilyich; 1.5 The Incompleteness of Lewis’s Solution. 1.6 conclusion. 2) Beyond Nature: 2.2 Introduction; 2.2 The Moral Argument; 2.3 The Argument from Reason; 2.4 The Argument from Desire; 2.5 Conclusion. 3) Miracles: 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Debating Miracles in the Eighteenth Century; 3.3 A Preliminary Skirmish; 3.4 Hume’s Main Assault; 3.5 Lewis’s Counterattack; 3.6 The Fitness of the Incarnation; 3.7 Lewis’s Mitigated Victory and the Trilemma; 3.8 Conclusion. 4) Faith, Design, and the True Religion: 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Faith; 4.3 Design; 4.4 True Religion. Notes. References. Index.
“My main goal here is to put these three great thinkers in conversation with each other, shedding light not only on the views of each but also on the quality of their arguments….We study great thinkers not just to learn about them but also to learn from them” (6).
Erik J. Wielenberg teaches in the Philosophy Department at DePauw University. “I did my graduate work at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and was fortunate enough to spend a year studying at the Center for Philosophy of Religion at the University of Notre Dame. (From dpuadweb.depauw.edu/ewielenberg_web/).