Today my neighbor took me to the Waco Mammoth Site, about 20 miles north of where we live. In 1978 two young boys were searching for arrowheads and fossils, not far from the Bosque River, when they stumbled upon a large bone protruding from a ravine. They realized it was something special and took it to Baylor University where it was identified as belonging to a Columbian (not Woolly) mammoth. The University Museum began to excavate the site and between 1978 and 1997 found the remains of 22 mammoths.

My neighbor treated me to a tour of the site (he has been there several times), which is now part of a public park that was opened in 2009. It seems that around 65,000 years ago a nursery herd of at least 19 mammals were trapped in a flood from the Bosque River and drowned. The remains of other animals have been discovered as well–a juvenile saber-toothed cat (not lion), and a camel (that’s right).

The dig is enclosed in a shelter that is air conditioned to preserve the remains from the elements. Baylor University continues to dig at the site (and hopes to expand to nearby riverbeds and ravines) and the Museum offers a number of tours and educational programs for visitors.

Columbian mammoths grew to over 14 feet tall and weighed up to 10 tons, larger than the Woolly mammoths, with teeth that could be “as large as a four-pound shoebox”. Their tusks could be as long as 16 feet and weigh 200 lbs. each. (For additional information see

I as fascinated to learn about the site and see the remains of some of the creatures that God has created.

14 October, 2014