Category: Occasonal Blogs (Page 2 of 8)

“No Sirens or Flashing Lights”


That was the command Mike, our Dr son-in-law, gave the ambulance dispatcher on the morning of April 4th. Joice had fallen during the night and Mike, after arising and reading an email from me, arrived early in the morning to help us. It isn’t a funny story, but it is one worth telling.

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January 8, 1950

January 8, 1950

It was on that date—January 8, 1950—I first understood the invitation inherent in John 1: 12: “to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

On that Sunday evening at the Reyburn Bible Protestant church, the pastor—Parker Gamwell—had given an invitation for those who wanted to “accept Christ” to come to the front of the church. Although it was a small church and not many people were there, it was one of the hardest things I ever did.

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End of the Year Donations


In case you haven’t been to your mailbox with a wheelbarrow lately, you may not have brought in all the letters that are soliciting money in their “year end drive.”

If you have been to your mailbox, you will know what I am talking about.

We have been inundated with requests for our capital—that is, not just money, but stocks, bonds, annuities, and blood.

It started back in September, about the time new cars are offered at “ridiculous low prices” and has continued unabated since. We have given some money to at least one of the solicitors, who then sold our name—along with countless others—to similar beseeching agencies.

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Vulgarity on Steroids


We have had vulgar Presidents—Nixon and Johnson come to mind—but the present President’s new communication’s director has reached a new low in crudeness to communicate to the public and rip the chief of staff. He claims it was authorized by the President and, judging from some of the President’s dialect, we can believe Scaramucci. However, it raises the question of what degree of civility and respect we should expect of a public servant. The present verbiage from the Whitehouse goes beyond “freedom of speech” and exemplifies “men without chests,” as C.S. Lewis once put it.

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Abortionists and Suicide Bombers


I am going to compare an abortionist with a suicide bomber. Of course, there are many differences, but the objective is the same: to kill someone. In the case of abortion, it is a small fetus—a baby—in the womb of the mother. A suicide bomber, on the other hand, has a larger target in mind: as many victims as possible in a crowded area. But in both cases, it is the innocent that suffer: the small baby, not yet fully developed, or the large crowd, destroying as much of it as possible.

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