Author: KJFranklin (Page 1 of 2)

Yancey on Racial Gridlock

AUTHENTIC FAKES: RELIGION AND AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE. By David Chidester. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005. 294 pages. Paperback. $19.95. ISBN: 0520232807.

David Chidester, Professor of Comparative Religion at the University of Cape Town, has written a number of books that deal with religious studies.  He has lectured widely on the topic in the US and elsewhere and is intent on proving that American popular culture counts as religion.  He  defines religion as “ways of being human person in a human place” and “the activity of being human in relation to superhuman transcendence and sacred inclusion” that contains “an inherent ambiguity.”  Religion is therefore “a point of entry into the meaning, power, and values at work in the production and consumption of authentic fakes in American culture” (viii).  His definitions may seem imprecise, but his metaphors and symbols are not, e.g., Coca-Cola, Disney, McDonald’s, baseball and Rock and Roll, and others are ubiquitous emblems of the American culture and its global expansion.

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Word Wrap and Word Power

In the jargon of computer language and word processing “word wrap” refers to a line of some pre–determined length which the machine will automatically be follow. We don’t have to worry about a “carriage return” as on a typewriter because the computer mechanically goes on to the next line. Of course if the switch for “word wrap” is off, the line just goes on and on. This is an interesting and useful feature but it is sometimes quite frightening for the keyboarder who is using the computer for the first time.

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Visions and Dreams

All of us have had dreams, but perhaps not many of us have had a vision. If we have a dream we know that, generally speaking, we have been asleep. There are times when we may dream when we are awake, but this is called day–dreaming. Have you ever day– dreamed? You have, probably in church or school when the pastor or teacher is explaining something that is too complicated to follow easily. Your mind wanders and you go into a dream–like trance. You realise this best if the teacher suddenly asks you a question and you have to come back to reality again.

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Sobol on The Storytellers’ Journey

Sobol, Joseph Daniel. 1999. The storytellers’ journey: An American revival. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.

Joseph Sobol is a professional storyteller, folklorist and musician who began his professional storytelling career at the age of twenty–two (in 1977). In 1982 he became associated with the National Storytelling Association and in this book he continues to document the importance of the NSA in promoting storytelling from its headquarters in Jonesborough, Tennessee.

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Silverman on storytelling in organizations

Silverman, Lori. ed. 2006. Wake me up when the data is [sic] over: how organizations use storytelling to drive results. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & sons. 288pp.

“Stories are like viruses. They are contagious.” (xvii)

This book is published in connection with the National Storytelling Network (NSN, by interviewing 171 of its members, representing some 72 organizations.

Part I focuses on how stories are used in work functions; Part II addresses their application to organizations; Part III provides advice and research to make stories used more deliberately in organizations.

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